Xí Muội Basketball winter 2012 - 2013 season

championship team

As the NCAA tournament is on us, I thought a little reflection on our season was in order.
Thanks to everyone for a great season. It was really nice to have 8 girls that enjoyed each other’s company and enjoyed playing basketball. While the end was exciting, the journey from the beginning to the end was more rewarding.
We noticed throughout the year that our girls often were smiling and enjoying practice and games. It’s suppose to be fun and I think our girls embraced that more than any other team. This team really did coach themselves. They needed very little direction and were capable with their age and maturity level to run their own team. One example of this was at ½ time of the championship game. Duke had just had a big quarter and our girls sat in a circle and discussed what they needed to do to turn the tide. They had everything right and we, the coaches, didn’t interject. It was great to see. The results spoke for themselves as the girls allowed 3 points and scored 21 in the second ½.
Our last and final game was a good one. The girls were asked to concentrate on defense and boy did they ever. Duke scored 2 points in the 1st quarter, 9 in the second and 3 the rest of the game.
At the same time, Haley G decided to take things in her own hands by taking the ball at mid court and going the other way for several buckets. Amanda had their top scorer under wraps while Megan, Allison, Jessica, Haley K and Lindsay shut down the rest of the team.
Congratulations to everyone for having fun and getting better over the year. Here is a picture of our championship team.

Coach Steve and Coach Brian.

 Hai huấn luyện viên Stephen W. Scarbath and Brian Ross và toàn đội


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