timeline: coronavirus in Maryland

March 5th, first 3 coronavirus case confirmed in Maryland, all in Montgomery County.  Governor Larry Hogan declares state of emergency.

March 9, 5 more confirmed cases of coronavirus in Maryland brings the total number in the state to 8.  Gov. Larry Hogan cancels all out-of-state travel for all state employees and tells all state agencies to prepare all employees for telework in order to stop the spread of this new disease.  

March 10, new coronavirus case in Maryland brings state total to 9.  

March 11, 2020: 3 more confirmed coronavirus cases; total stands at 12.

March 12, UMBC and many others universities in Maryland close their campus, all the dormitories are also closed and students go back home.  The Maryland State Superintendent announced all public schools will close for two weeks starting Marcdh 16 until at least March 27.  Gov. Hogan call up the Maryland National Guard.  He is also closing the cruise ship terminal.  

March 13rd, 5 more cases confirmed in state.  Gov. Hogan announced all stated schools will close for 2 weeks - and then many grocery stores are already bare.


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